25 - April 8, 2006
Interfaith Peace-Builders Delegation
Arrives in Israel & Palestine
March 28, 2006
The Fellowship of Reconciliation is pleased to report that its 12-person Interfaith Peace-Builders delegation crossed the bridge from Jordan to Israel/Palestine on the morning of Tuesday, March 28 and is now safely in Jerusalem.

Eleven U.S. citizens and one United Kingdom national from diverse religious backgrounds departed on Sunday, March 25 for two weeks in Israel/Palestine as part of the Fellowship of Reconciliation?s 18th Interfaith Peace-Builders delegation. The delegation is led by Alta Schwartz and Mike Daly.
During their stay in the region, delegates are scheduled to meet with peace and human rights organizations, humanitarian assistance workers, community and religious leaders, refugees, settlers, and representatives from across the political spectrum. The purpose of their visit is to gain deeper insight into the issues surrounding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, to examine the effects of United States foreign policy in the region, and to support the Israelis, Palestinians, and others who are working for a nonviolent and just peace.
Upon their return to the United States in mid-April, delegates will share their experiences with the public, the media, and their political representatives. Media interested in interviewing the participants when they return, and groups wanting information about speaking engagements, should contact FOR Interfaith Peace-Builders (see below for contact information).
The delegation includes the following people:
John Alex, Brooklyn, New York
Mike Daly, Washington, DC
- Richard Gale & Alta Schwartz, Atlanta, Georgia
Niki McCuistion, Dallas, Texas
Anne Miller, Concord, New Hampshire
Alexa Poletto, London, England
Raja Shah, San Francisco, California
Keith Smith, South San Francisco, California
Chris Thomas, London, England
Virginia Wilber, New York, New York
Michelle Zimney, Santa Barbara, California
The delegates will be sending back regular reports during their trip, which we will forward to our email network and post on the FOR website. If you are not part of our email network and wish to receive delegation reports and updates on the Interfaith Peace-Builders program, please contact us. Please feel free to forward these reports to others.
Contact FOR Interfaith Peace-Builders:
2006 Interfaith Peace-Builders