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Israeli and Palestinian Women Working for Peace: Realities, Struggles, and Visions for the Future

Delegation Leaders: Mark Braverman and Meera Shah


This delegation will feature meetings with the women leading Palestinians and Israelis towards peace. You will meet with the leaders of women’s organizations and focus on their work in rejecting violence and animosity and building the foundations of a more hopeful future for all people in the region. Additionally, you will hear from a wide range of other Israelis and Palestinians about their lives, struggles, and hopes for the future.

Delegates will visit the Wall, discuss settlements, meet Palestinian and Israeli students, and travel inside Israel to meet Israelis and Palestinians who live there. Finally, you will analyze the US role in the conflict, and wrestle with ways to translate your experience to others when you return home.

In addition to the focus on the women, this delegation will also include many other meetings and features of usual Interfaith Peace-Builders delegations. To learn more about the standard components of all delegations, click here.

Information on the July 2007 delegation leaders:

Mark Braverman serves on the Board of Directors of the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace. He is a clinical psychologist and organizational consultant, specializing in psychological trauma, crisis intervention, and conflict resolution. Mark, who was a delegate on a recent IFPB Delegation, has deep family ties in Israel, and lived on a kibbutz where he taught in a regional school for disadvantaged children. Mark translates modern Hebrew protest poetry; studies history and Liberation Theology; and is deeply committed to an interfaith approach to the resolution of the Middle East conflict.

Meera Shah is the media coordinator at the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP), an independent and progressive advocacy organization that publishes the quarterly Middle East Report. She holds an MA in Arab Studies from Georgetown University and has worked with several US-based think tanks on Middle East policy issues. Meera has extensive experience in both Syria, where she studied as a Fulbright Scholar, and Palestine, where she worked as a journalist with the Palestine Chronicle as well as with the PASSIA and other NGOs.


DEADLINE TO APPLY: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until June 18, 2007. Apply early to reserve and lock in lower airfares.


Click Below to Download Applications:

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